Categories: Informational

Customer Testimonials

Have you ever experienced a day which started off pretty lousy but, thanks to a simple compliment turned a complete 180 degrees?

It could have been the rainy weather and your favorite jeans being dirty but then you meet your neighbor who remarks on how good your hair looks or they like your glasses. Suddenly your day looks a lot brighter! You know exactly what I mean!

Believe it or not, getting a compliment from a customer can have the same effect! We strive to make all our customers happy and it is very heartening to get positive feedback.

Thank you to Victoria P. from Lynden, WA for emailing the following comments:
Thank you for all your help in getting our bag order Invoice straightened out.  I phoned [a] few minutes ago and paid for the invoice. I was told the order should go out today.  I wasn’t really expecting service to be so quick.  AWESOME!  Your company is, by far, the best for prompt service, from all the companies that we deal with.
Many thanks. 

Thanks, T.W., from Canada:
Just a quick comment on your customer service…
I really appreciate that you send your shipments out the same day, as well as email the tracking number, with the link.
That’s top notch!
                    Thank you very much!

This short one is from Steve M. from Wilmington, MA who had requested a quote on custom bags:
You are the only bag company of three that has replied thus far…clearly your customer service is above the competition!

Compliment the next person you meet, stranger or friend; you never know how you will change that person’s day!

Renee :